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Thoughts & Inspiration

You know when you feel that nudge that you’re supposed to do something? That feeling of God whispering in your ear that this is your next step? I felt that. I felt it and I tried not to listen. It took me three months to apply for a position with Adventures in Missions because I can be stubborn sometimes, but I’m so glad I did. 

This past month I got to step out and lead my first mission trip with AIM to New Orleans. It didn’t exactly go to plan (what does?), but it did confirm that I’m where I’m supposed to be. My first mission trip was an 11 month trip with AIM in 2016, and it opened my eyes and heart up to missions. That’s exactly what I want to help others do. The moment those high schoolers walked into the door in New Orleans, many of them for the first mission trip of their life, I knew that I was in the right place. I get to pour into the age group I love, help show them what a life on mission can look like, and watch as they experience God firsthand. I get to see faith renewed, restored, strengthened, and even found. 

When I learned that only 4% of Gen Z has a biblical worldview, it lit a spark in me. Yes, these short term trips help meet tangible needs of the people in that area and they open up the doors for others to meet God through His hands and feet, but they also minister to the groups going on these trips. They take people out of their comfort zone and allow them to experience God in ways they haven’t before, and many of these groups include younger generations. 

I’m excited to walk into this new season of life as the short term missions setup manager. I’m currently in the process of building a ministry support team and would love for you to pray about being a part of it in one or more ways. Whether that be by joining my monthly email prayer/update list, going on a trip yourself, or financially partnering with me to be able to do this job full time, I forever appreciate your support.