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If you are a believer, you probably remember the day you said “yes” to giving your life to Jesus. You probably have it written somewhere or etched in your brain that you died to your old self and became a new creation in Jesus. It’s an unforgettable moment, a pivotal change, and beginning of refining for the rest of your life.
It was on my heart that every other week we were doing this ministry almost as though assuming all of them knew and had a relationship with God. God doesn’t want even one lost. So, there was no other option but to stop and ask if anyone did not have a relationship with Jesus. If they did not, they were invited to invite Him into their heart as accepting Him as their Lord and Savior that day. We all began praying with our heads bowed and eyes closed. One lady raised her hand for it and I began praying with her as she said she accepts Jesus into her heart. Tears were throughout the whole table. Overjoyed, ecstatic, or any other jubilant emotion is what I felt but I realized a very real fact. The amount of happiness and joy I felt for a lost person finding their way to our Heavenly Father didn’t even compare to the rejoicing that took place in the kingdom of heaven at that very moment. She was welcomed into the family of Christ after making the biggest and most important decision she will ever make.
We read Ephesians 2 and Romans 10. Then, while remembering we were once “dead in our sin”, we wrote down the things we did and how our heart was when we were dead. Afterwards, we wrote what God has delivered us to and what he wants for our lives now that we are a “new creation.” This serves as a reminder when temptation to old self comes that we are a new creation in Christ now.
The time ended with sharing communion as a body of Christ while remembering the sacrifice made for our sins before we were even born.
My Prayer:
God, please mold my heart to rejoice more and more like you when even one lost is found. Scripture says a host of angels in heaven celebrates when this happens. I want to love in that way. Thank you for the lives of the women at Beauty for Ashes Freedom House.  Thank you for healing pain in my life from my mother through the testimony of redemption in their lives and how they minister to my heart from my deliverance from my past.
In Jesus name,