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Today is the last Friday of 2023. With all the expectations of the next year, also are the feelings of fear of what is to come, what is to be contemplated in the year ahead.

Fear abides here. In unknown, scary, hard, worrisome anticipations. Fear lives in the zone of uncomfortable. Fear is what wakes us up at night. Fear is what stops us. Fear is a battle being fought every day.

I discovered a while ago that at the same time we are given these 365 days in a calendar year what we are also given is the exact number of Bible verses that challenge me to not feel fearful, afraid, dismayed, worried, etc.

365 days to acknowledge that fear and do something different with it!

Will you join me this next 365 days to discover how fear can acknowledged, be stilled, and where we can feel joy in all of it? In all of who we are; our time, treasure, talents and testimonies, there is potential for joy. Let’s discover this together! Do not be afraid!

If you don’t already, subscribe to my Adventures Blog not only walk with me as we encourage one another in this next year, but for your own Fear to Joy journey.

I am excited to be a part of this with you!