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I know. It’s hard to understand. Does it sound rational? Not really. We have a beautifully safe life here on the farm. We are surrounded by our family and friends. Family and friends who we are very close to and love deeply. It wasn’t in our life plan. We thought that this is where we would live the rest of our lives. Greg would retire from farming and I would retire from nursing one day in the future, and in the meantime we could lead mission trips with our church to Guatemala. Until, the question entered our hearts, what if… what if our safe life isn’t God’s plan for our life? For two years, we felt nudges, had conversations, prayed through thoughts and feelings, but didn’t actually know what to think of this “idea” , what living and serving in Guatemala would actually look like for our family. It was too easy to push these nudges aside, and we had a list of very good reasons why we should just stay put. But the Lord worked on and in our hearts, and in February we knew that we were being called to serve in Guatemala. Believe me, I know that not everyone will understand or even agree and thats okay. It’s hard to put into words; this call on our lives that we desperately want to obey, a feeling of great joy and hope that the Lord has called on us, the feeling of inadequacy at the tasks ahead, and the tremendous sense of loss at who we are leaving behind. Not for one second do we think we have it all figured out and we don’t believe that it will be easy. But I do know that the Lord is paving our way to Guatemala. He is going before us and walking beside us. And He is going to care for our family here, our family who we love so very much, in ways that we can not even imagine.

Our move date is December 3, 2024. We are honored to join the staff at Adventures in Missions and work alongside the ministries through which they serve. A huge change for our family will be that our income will be through fundraising. In the past, we, personally, tried to avoid any fundraising at all costs. We have raffle tickets to buy? We’ll just buy them and give them away;) We need to sell donuts? We love to eat donuts! That erased all discomfort and still managed to achieve the goal. However, that is not an option for us anymore. It could be a huge stressor, this need to raise the money on which we will need to live. Oh wait, it is! But in all seriousness, without knowing all of the answers as to how everything will work out, we believe that it will. We would absolutely love your prayers for our family and for the work that Adventures is doing in Guatemala. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us, even possibly on a monthly basis, as we walk through this next season of life? There is a button to Give that provides the link to our fundraising page, or there is an option to send a check to Adventures in Missions with our name in the memo to P.O. Box 742570 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. Thank you all so much for supporting us, loving us, and praying for our family.