I’m currently sitting at gate D9 at Seatac waiting for my flight for my first International trip. It’s going to be an interesting group. A church group of 12 people, a family group of a mom with 3 girls, a young adult escorting her teen neice on a mission trip, and a family group of 2 adults with their adult grandchild. The ages range from 9 -60. With such a dynamic group, I think God is going to do some great things in and through them.
We have everything from homeless ministry to VBS to street evangelism on the schedule, so there will be a lot of opportunities for this group to be stretched and grow in their faith. That also means tons of opportunities for God to really show off! We do have some weather scheduled, so we covet your prayers that God’s will would be done. While we would certainly like clear skies and sunshine, God can work in and through the rain too. But rain and warm weather together often brings with it some grumpiness, so our prayer would be for flexibility and joyful spirits no matter what the situation.
Gladys, who I trained in Puerto Rico in March, is joining me again, this time as a co-leader. I loved seeing how God was working in her in Puerto Rico, and I know that He has great plans for her ministry moving forward. I am so blessed to be able to be a part of that.
As this trip progresses, I will post updates on this post, so keep an eye on your email so that you will know how to pray for us as the trip progresses!