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May 29th, 2023

The Great Commission

Diverse Roles of Christians in Spreading the Gospel


The Great Commission, found in the Bible’s Gospel of Matthew (28:19-20), is a crucial mandate for Christians worldwide. It compels believers to go forth into all nations and make disciples of Jesus Christ. However, the ways in which Christians carry out this mission vary greatly, reflecting the diversity of gifts and callings within the body of Christ. In this blog post, we will explore the different roles Christians play in fulfilling the Great Commission and the significance of each role in spreading the Gospel.

  1. The Evangelist

Evangelists hold a prominent role in fulfilling the Great Commission. They have a God-given gift for sharing the Good News, often using their communication skills to proclaim the Gospel in public settings, one-on-one conversations, or through media platforms. Evangelists possess a passion for reaching the lost, and they work tirelessly to bring the message of salvation to those who have not yet heard it. Their dedication and commitment to evangelism serve as an inspiration for other believers to engage in spreading the Gospel.

  1. The Discipler

Disciplers play a crucial role in the Great Commission by nurturing and guiding new believers in their journey of faith. They invest time and effort in teaching, mentoring, and counseling individuals, helping them grow spiritually and develop a deep understanding of God’s Word. Disciplers walk alongside new believers, providing them with the necessary support, encouragement, and accountability needed to strengthen their relationship with Christ (Ephesians 4:20). Through their commitment to discipleship, they empower others to become mature followers of Jesus, equipping them to carry out the Great Commission themselves.

  1. The Prayer Warrior

Prayer warriors are indispensable in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. They recognize the power of prayer as a transformative force in advancing God’s kingdom. These individuals intercede on behalf of missionaries, evangelistic efforts, and the spread of the Gospel to unreached areas. Prayer warriors understand that spiritual battles precede and accompany any effective evangelism, and they engage in fervent prayer to overcome obstacles, break down strongholds, and pave the way for the Gospel to penetrate hearts and minds. Their unseen but essential role strengthens the work of those actively engaged in sharing the Good News.

  1. The Sender

Not everyone is called to physically go to distant lands to spread the Gospel, but every Christian can fulfill the Great Commission by becoming a sender (Romans 10:14-15). Senders provide vital support to missionaries and evangelistic teams through financial contributions, logistical assistance, and prayer. They recognize that their role in supporting others who are called to go is just as essential as the work being done on the front lines. By sending resources, encouragement, and practical assistance, senders become co-laborers in the Great Commission, partnering with those who are directly involved in spreading the Gospel.

  1. The Ambassador

Every Christian is called to be an ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Ambassadors represent the Kingdom of God in their daily lives, demonstrating the love, grace, and truth of Jesus to those around them. They engage with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and belief systems, seeking opportunities to share their faith and answer questions about Christianity. Ambassadors prioritize building genuine relationships, allowing their lives to be a testimony of the transformative power of the Gospel. Through their words and actions, they create an environment where others are drawn to Christ, opening doors for conversations that can lead to salvation.


In the Great Commission, Christians are called to participate in different roles, each vital in fulfilling the mandate of spreading the Gospel to all nations. Whether as evangelists, disciplers, prayer warriors, senders, or ambassadors, believers contribute their unique gifts, talents, and resources to advance God’s kingdom. By embracing these diverse roles, Christians can effectively reach out to a world in need of salvation, impacting lives and communities for eternity. As we unite in fulfilling the Great Commission, may we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and work together to share the love and hope found in Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.



Personal Update:


For those of you who are currently partnering with me, Thank You! I cannot do this job without you, and as I said above, you are essential in the work being done.

I am still working to share with friends and family about my position with Adventures and seeking ministry partners who will be dedicated in praying for me and the work God is doing in and through Adventures, as well as financially partnering so the work can continue to be done. Please pray about the role God may be leading you, I would love to have your partnership long term in this ministry.

Prayers and blessings to each one of you,

Kara M.