To be perfectly honest, I didn’t have much of a desire to serve and lead the Morgantown, West Virginia trip when it was first presented to me. Initially when I was asked to lead this trip, our missionary organization was starting to put together disaster relief trips that benefited those affected by Hurricane Helene in the Black Mountain area of North Carolina. I have friends and ministry partners that were affected by this storm and felt a desire to help them more than helping people and families I don’t know in WV. In addition, I’ve led and served on disaster relief trips before and there is something tangible and satisfying in the physical labor. You literally see how your involvement makes a difference for someone else; unlike on many social compassion trips that I’ve experienced. Before confirming my yes to leading this WV mission trip, I spent time in prayer and asking why would God send me to an area that was managing without my involvement, while another area was in obvious greater need. Looking back at this question now, this was a very egotistical and prideful outlook on ministry. However, through the many years that I have participated in missionary work, the biggest lesson that I have learned is just to say yes to God when He calls and eventually He will reveal His why. So I said yes to God in leading and serving on this WV trip and made up my mind to trust God with the why.
Soon after saying yes to leading this trip, I quickly learned of His why. I have been given the opportunity and responsibility to coordinate the various future short term mission trips that will focus on this Appalachian region. To better understand the various needs within the community and develop long lasting relationships with the different ministry partners, I needed to experience the livelihood and culture within this area first hand. Prior to this trip, I studied the statistics and demographics of this region, as well as had several conversations with the different ministry partners through phone calls and emails. However, no amount of technology can ever replace the face to face interaction with people and live views of the scenery. In addition, I was able to see how God was already moving through this region and sensed His plans for the future. It is very prevalent that He loves this area and is poised to make this region come alive. Coming home from this trip, I now have a high understanding and respect for those who live in this unique and often ignored West Virginia community, as well as how God wants to move.
As a short-term missionary leader, I have the desire to serve and lead in areas that have the most obvious need. However, much like how God told Samuel not to look for the outside physical appearance, but instead the inner heart when anointing David as the next Israelite king; missionary work is so much more than surface level. “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV) God loves all humanity and desires to form a relationship with everyone who gives Him their heart; not just those who experience urban poverty and/or a natural disaster. When you decide to give your life over to God, you must also surrender your personal dreams and agenda of how you see your future unfolding; regardless if this is within your personal life or professional work. He will call you to many adventures and all you have to do is just say yes!