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July 11th, 2023

Ministry Updates

{And Things}

From Emily Molina in Guatemala:

We’re Married!

March 25th we tied the knot! It was an amazing day. My family came down the celebrate with us, it was their first time ever in Guatemala! It was so fun to show my family the country and people that I love. It was also so special having our two families come together to finally meet each other.

We are now living in a town called Chimaltenango which is 45 minutes outside of Antigua and 15 minutes from the Adventures in Missions base. I work for Adventures in Missions while Tulio works as an architect and in his own ministry called The Birdhouse Foundation where He builds houses for families living in extreme poverty. Our two ministries work really well together and often times overlap so we are able to be there for each other and support each other in what we do in ministry each week.

We are loving married life and feel truly blessed to have entered into this new season of our lives.


The first week of June we hosted a week long family trip. We had 10 different families come totaling 35 people, 16 kids and 19 adults. We partnered with one of my teammates, Junior and his wife Raquel (Rake). They not only work with Adventures in Missions but they are co pastoring their church Restaurando a la Familia (Restoring the Family) in Parramos close to where our base is located. So we decided to come alongside them and support the vision and the mission of the Church. We put on 4 different Vacation Bible school days at 3 different locations. Two were at the church, one was in Parrojas a village both the church and Adventures continues to work in, and at an orphanage. The theme was “God to the Rescue” the story of how God rescued the Israelites from Egypt. The kids who came to serve with their family got really into it and performed a very good drama and helped lead gamed and crafts. In Guatemala kids don’t have many opportunities to just be kids due to responsibilities at home and having to go to work at such a young age. It is a great opportunity to share the love of God and connect. We Also did house visits both prearranged ones and impromptu ones and we had a night of capture the flag with the youth group from this church.

The last week of June we had a church from L.A come down to work with us, Zoe L.A. We continued to work with Restaurando a la familia. This week did house visits, installed a wood burning stove to a family in need of one, we went out into Antigua at night for homeless ministry where we worshipped by the park, handed out soup, and prayed for people. We also did 3 different VBS days. One was with the church, one with the orphanage (No picture will be shown from there) and another with a group home for children with disabilities. We ended the trip with a youth night at our base, where we had worship, a message and a huge obstacle course. It was an amazing week. We really love Zoe church and I personally love seeing people who are local to where I am from come down and serve with us.

What’s Coming Up/Prayer Requests:

In July we have two churches coming  at different times to partner with us for a week. Please be praying for theses trip and the one who have given their yes, their time and their money to come help us serve here in Guatemala.

Please be praying for the families we consistently visit in the towns of Parramos, Parrojas, and Corrales. For the families of the kids that come to our children’s programs like VBS, soccer ministry, and english classes that what they are learning with us has a ripple effect to the rest of their family especially their parents

There are so many Guatemalans that we know who are ready to be sent on short term trips this year. We have Guatemalans raising money to go to Colombia, Peru, Tanzania, and Turkey. Please pray with us for the Lord’s abundant provision for them to fulfill the call the Lord has put on their lives.



If you’d like to learn more about the Guatemala ministry, here is a link to Aderkee’s story and how God is moving in Guatemala


From Fort Myers, Florida:

September 28th Hurricane Ian hit Fort Myers, Florida as a Category 4 Hurricane with 150 mph winds. When we first arrived in Florida, the situation was chaotic. Traffic lights were out, power was limited in areas, and cell service was spotty. There were trees on top of houses, houses blown apart, and flooded furniture and debris littering streets. The scale of the devastation was overwhelming.

We focused disaster relief efforts in Harlem Heights, located 4.5 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. It has never flooded in the 70+ years it’s been a community, so almost no one had flood insurance. FEMA money will help but isn’t nearly enough. We established an Adventures Base and the first phase focused on tarping damaged roofs, cutting downed trees, removing debris and belongings from houses, gutting the homes to above the water line, and mold remediation. This left homes and residents outside of imminent danger as their houses would not be consumed by mold. The Base started phase two in Harlem Heights: restoration and rebuilding by the end of 2022 and has been continuing that phase these last 7 months.

Partnerships and teams are developing daily and it is exciting to see how God is going to meet the needs of our community here as well as those who are faithfully answering God’s call to serve. Our rainbow board has 28 tangible needs written on it and of those, 21 are crossed off as being answered through prayer! Each day we add new things and each day we cross them off! We currently have short term trips offered to help with disaster relief through the end of September and we will be extending that to the end of the year.

Here is a link to watch a video about what’s going on in Fort Meyers from the Horvaths


Ministry Partners and Friends,

I hope this post/update finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your partnership with me and Adventures in Missions. Your unwavering support and commitment to our shared mission have been instrumental in making a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals around the world.

Over the past month, we have witnessed incredible transformation and experienced the joy of serving others through various initiatives (the above are just a couple of areas Adventures has been serving). Together, we have been able to provide essential resources, offer spiritual guidance, provide discipleship to the next generation, and extend a helping hand to those in need. Your generosity has truly made a difference, and I am immensely grateful for your partnership.

It has been amazing to witness God working, and I am hoping to see first hand in the coming months by going to Fort Myers to help with the disaster relief. As I mentioned above, there are so many opportunities to serve in this mission and if you are interested, please reach out to me or you can request more info here.

There are also many other ways to help with the mission of Adventures in Missions and be in partnership with me, not the least of which is your continued prayers. I am still working hard to gain ministry support so as to go on staff full time. I would love to share my heart for Adventures and everything we are a part of with you and see how God may be calling you to this ministry as well.

Your financial partnership will enable us to expand our reach, develop sustainable projects and provide ongoing support to communities in need (like the people of Fort Myers and Guatemala). By contributing to our cause, you will be directly involved in transforming lives and bringing about positive change in the world.

I kindly ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with me financially on an ongoing basis. Your regular contributions, no matter the amount, will help us plan and execute our initiatives more effectively. If you are willing to support us in this way, please click here to a donation form that provides the details on how to contribute.

Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your partnership and the impact we have made together. Your support has been invaluable, and I am truly blessed to have you as a partner in this mission. If you have any questions or would like to discuss our future plans, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Prayer Requests:
  • Be in prayer as I may be going to Fort Myers to help with the disaster relief and just that God would be in all of the planning.
  • That God’s hand would be present in this role He has placed me in
  • Aria will be starting K-2 in 1 month! Prayers that we get everything together and prepare her well, so this transition goes smoothly.


Prayers and Blessings for each of you,

Kara M

Acts 13:47 “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: I have made you a light unto the Gentiles, that you may brings salvation to the ends of the earth.”