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May 9th, 2023

The following is an update sent out from Seth Barnes, founder of Adventures in Missions.


Adventurous Times

Finding Synergy


Hey everyone,
You’ve probably noticed that Adventurous Times is arriving in your in-box at a slower pace – every couple of weeks now. That’s roughly inversely correlated to the pace of the ministry and my capacity to sit down and pull this together. Things have been picking up speed as Gap Year enters its final month and STM launches its busiest summer in many years.
One of the things we love to see is synergy and partnership. Where 1+1=3. Some examples below.

World Race (WR) / Short Term Missions (STM)

Gap Year Synergy with STM
The squads flew back to America from around the world. 69 of them drove Ft Myers (led by Luis and Ariana). AIM has surveyed 314 houses that flooded during the hurricane.  The racers are working inside many of the houses helping put up new sheetrock, mudding, sanding, and installing floors.
Sarah Hovarth reports, “The racers are amazing- pouring into our core team in unexpected ways! they are bringing some contagious energy and holy spirit vibes!”
During P Squad’s time in Turkey, we were split into 4 locations. One of our teams was sent to a small town called Ayvacik. Pastors from Bulgaria and Australia joined them to open up a new worship center.
Two teen boys that the team had met during ATL in Ayvacik attended the service. Almost six weeks later, after many conversations, much intercession, one boy put his faith in Jesus! He is now being discipled by our host, the pastor of the church.

Long Term Missions (LTM)


WR Synergy with LTM
As we focus on developing leaders, here’s an update on Justin Bolton who took the words spoken by a Mom attending PVT to heart:
“Love these kids and love these kids hard, but don’t love them to hell.”
After being involved with children’s ministry in Eswatini, he wanted to do more than just show up to what had been asked of him. He saw emotional needs being met with every hug, hand hold, game played, and question asked. He wanted to go above and beyond to meet physical and spiritual needs.
So Justin fundraised through his personal connections to provide clothing alongside another man on his team who did the same to buy 200 Bibles to distribute. He’s been committed to actively participating in not just helping to meet one area of need, but every area of need with a huge focus on the spiritual needs of the children he and his team are encountering.

Short Term Missions

Synergy with 15 partners!
The week of May 20, 1350 people from around the country representing about 25 different ministries will be joining us in Harlem Heights to do hurricane relief. Our objective – to finish refurbishing all 314 houses by the end of the summer. This will be the biggest project we’ve ever done. Please be praying for our team!



Thank you all so much for your support, both prayerfully and financially. My work with Adventures, and the work Adventures is able to do, is not possible without each one of you.

If you would like more information, have questions or there is any way I can be praying for you, please let me know. You can reach me via email: [email protected] or by phone 540.892.6014

If you have been considering partnering with me financially, I am still in need of financial ministry partners and would love to have your support and on my team. You can find that link here.


Thank you again,

Kara Murphy