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Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders? Like you’re constantly striving, achieving, but the finish line keeps receding into the distance? For most of my life, that was me. Some of my friends lovingly call me “Marty” because they see my deep desire to be a Mary, the one who sits at Jesus’ feet and listens (Luke 10:38-42). But my default mode is full-on “Martha,” a whirlwind of activity, always needing to be doing something “productive.”

I used to believe my worth was tied to my accomplishments. The more I achieved, the more loved and accepted I felt. But that relentless pursuit left me exhausted and, ironically, feeling utterly worthless. Then, I stumbled upon Ecclesiastes 1:14: “I have seen all the works that have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. All that striving? It meant nothing.

God, in His infinite kindness, whispered John 15:4-8: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.” He was calling me to rest, to simply be with Him.

The problem? Resting felt like falling. My past struggles with depression made stillness terrifying. But during prayer, God gently nudged me to surrender my striving. “Lord,” I cried, “I don’t know how! This is how I’ve survived!” His answer was a balm to my soul: “Karla, I didn’t create you to just survive…I created you to THRIVE.”

Thriving? That felt like a foreign concept. He wasn’t calling me to a life of white-knuckled struggle, just getting by. He wanted me to experience the abundant life He promised (John 10:10). He wanted me to know Him and share that love with the world.

Friends, are you stuck in survival mode? Are you just trying to get through the next day, the next hurdle? Are you thinking:

If I can just get to this weekend…

If I can just make it to the first of the month…

If I can just get to summer vacation…

If I can just finish this project…

If I can just beat this sickness…

If I can just make this payment…

If I can just get the kids through college…

We weren’t created for that. We were created to thrive, to know God’s love and share it with others. He’s inviting you, right now, to enter a season of rest, to abide in Him. It’s not about laziness, it’s about trusting that He will take care of everything while you simply be with Him.

This journey from Martha to Mary is a process, but it’s a beautiful one. Join me as we learn to embrace rest as a gift from God, a wellspring of strength and joy that will allow us to truly THRIVE.

Listen to Thrive by Casting Crowns