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Hello Family and Friends! 

First, I apologize for taking SO long to update you all! This year has been a whirlwind for me as I’m sure it has been for many of you!  (Also, welcome to our new blog platform!)

Quick Recap:

  • I started this year as a Squad Mentor with Adventures in Missions and mentoring an amazing group of people, N-Squad, as they journey with the Lord on a year long mission trip!
  • In April, I was asked to step into a new role as the World Race Program Director. Soooo I have been doing a completely different job these last few months still with Adventures in Missions. 
  • January this year the Lord told me He was going to ‘send me’. That I am a missionary with Adventures in Missions, yes, but that I was also a missionary to Him first. So I fundraised extra and went on three missions trips not with my organization. I went to Honduras, India, and Kurdistan to bring the gospel and His kingdom! 
  • I finished out my Squad Mentoring time with N-Squad this year with the help of an assistant so that I didn’t have to do two full jobs at once! I went to see N-Squad in El Salvador, Dominican Republic and also Peru. I was so thankful that I was able to still mentor them and be a part of their journey this year even though my role changed. 
  • With my new role, I was in charge of our Training Camp this past fall. We launched around 150 participants to the field! The Training Camp was AMAZING! The Lord moved in so many ways. They were equipped to share the gospel, learned how to do life in another country, and drew closer to God as individuals and as a body. 
  • Also as the new director, I get the privilege of leading the entire World Race staff. We have had a lot of ups and downs this year but the Lord has helped us create a really great culture of unity and seeking His face for direction and peace
  • I’m dating someone! This is a fun and also scary move for me and looking forward to seeing what happens and what God may have planned for us. 😀 
  • We are now working on preparing for our January Training Camp where we will launch about 60 people overseas. Including a special alumni trip specifically crafted to go to the Middle East. Please pray as all the last pieces are coming together!


  • Increase Prayer Support- When I stepped into the director role, the Lord told me that I needed to increase my prayer support. I am not going to lie, I have been SO busy with the new role that I haven’t put effort here yet. I am in desperate need of your prayers! This year has been so so hard at the same time it has been so so good. I do feel that I am in a new level of warfare with a new level of authority. Please pray for me and my entire World Race staff!
  • What’s App Prayer Group- To increase my prayer support I would like to have a prayer group that I can reach out to and update in the moment. To do this I will use an app called What’s App. This system will send a direct message to your personal What’s app account so you don’t get bogged down with a million messages on a group chat. Please download the app and let me know if you want to be a part!     (Text me, call me, email me 760-822-7602, [email protected])
  • Monthly Giving- I am in need of increasing my monthly financial partnership. I haven’t had to increase monthly partnership since October 2020. What a blessing to be given partners who sow into my ministry on a monthly basis so that I can focus on the task at hand instead of where my bread comes from! Over the years partners have had to shift their sowing abilities and now I am in need of increasing once again. Please prayerfully consider partnering with me to bring the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. I believe in the work the Lord is doing here and believe that myself and my partners will truly reap heavenly rewards! Praise God! 

Year Recap in Pictures:


N-Squad Debrief in El Salvador

Extra Missions Trip to Honduras- The TEAM!

N-Squad’s bus ride in Dominican Republic to the Beach!

India with Global Hesed Ministries

Fall Training Camp. Let’s get the people equipped!!!


Ministry in Kurdistan with FAI.


New and exciting things with a new man. Only the Lord knows what will happen! 😀

The World Race Staff!!!! We love Jesus!!!