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Philippians 4:12 (NLT)
I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.


“Are you content with the contents of your life?”

This was one of those questions that I overheard someone ask that just smacked me in the face. Although I was not a part of the conversation, I felt the nudge of God in asking me this question. In some areas of my life I can eagerly say ‘YES!’ Since the end of this past summer, I have transitioned into a missionary-based job where I really feel that I am able to serve God and make a difference for eternity. This opportunity has been one that I have prayed over, cried about, and fasted for the past eight years. Some days it’s like I need to pinch myself to see if this job is for real! I get the honor to work with people who have similar values and we pray for each other weekly, if not a daily basis. I’m blessed to speak about the goodness of God, how He has transformed my life, and all of the amazing things that He is doing throughout the United States and world-wide. In addition, I am able to lead others to experience and encounter God in a true and authentic way; literally seeing life changing moments in real time! Finally, I can set my work schedule and work location around taking care of my elderly parents at home.

Then there are areas of my life where the thought of ‘contentment’ is more like a shrug and saying something skeptical like maybe? The overwhelming anxiety and stress that I felt in my previous career has decreased, but there are new worries and areas of concern. Although the work is rich in God’s favor and blessing, the paycheck is limited. I find myself in a season of cutting back and praying that a dollar will stretch farther than a 4th ranked yoga master. Only when I first became a single parent around 12 years ago, did I have to choose which bill to pay at what time. I’m still tithing, but that money is coming mostly from a missionary fund that I started about ten years ago. Yes, I have tried to get a part-time remote job to help make ends meet, but nothing has followed through yet. However, God is still good, even if my bank roll isn’t.

Then there are some areas where the thought of contentment is like, ‘let’s not open up that can of worms today.’ I never thought that gaining sponsorship would be as difficult as it is! I’m hearing a lot more no’s than yeses when I talk to others about partnership; IF I am able to schedule any meetings at all! I’m beyond grateful for the monthly support that I have, but very little fruit is blooming, especially when hearing from others about how well they are doing with sponsors and miraculous ways that God is providing. Sometimes I really get discouraged and question if I am where God wants me to be and doing what God wants me to do. I pray and pray, but still I wait for a miracle.

In Philippians 4, Apostle Paul writes some of the most well-known and up-beat Christian verses:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.” (Philippians 4:6 NLT)

“Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.” (Philippians 4:8 NLT)

“Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and saw me doing , and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:9 NLT)

“For I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.” (Philippians 4:13 NLT)

“And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory, because of what Christ Jesus has done for us.” (Philippians 4:19 NLT)

It always gets me in how Paul wrote such encouraging statements as he sat in jail contemplating the future of his own life. There would definitely be a bit of snarkyness to my speech and a lot of questioning of what God is doing. How can one find such contentment in such a discontenting situation? Was Paul experiencing insanity under the stress of what he was enduring? What was his secret in handling everything?

Paul focused on Christ in everything. When he was rich, he praised God. When he was poor, he searched for more of God. When he was filled and well-fed, he worshiped God. When he was hungry and thirsty, he trusted in God’s strength and power. When he lived with plenty, he showed his gratefulness to God. When he lived on almost nothing, he relied on God’s promises and provisions. This is not where I am at, but this is what I sense God calling me too.

Dear God,
Please help me foster contentment in the season that you are calling me into. Regardless if I am rich or poor, please help me praise and search for more of You. Regardless if I am stuffed to the seams with food or bare to the bones in hunger, please help me worship and trust You. Regardless if I am living in financial wealth or scraping by, please help me have the attitude of gratefulness and rely on Your promises. God help me to understand when you provide and surrender when I don’t. Please help me find contentment in everything because you are in all things. In Your Holy Name – Amen!