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Subscribers: 19

 Hi friends and family!

We wanted to send a quick update to you guys: 

  1. There has been a change in our giving portal. Adventures in Missions is transitioning into a new system called Pushpay. We now have a new link where our ministry partners can give: 
    This will be the new giving link moving forward.

  2. You may receive or may have already received an email with instructions from a different AIM staff member- the link will be the same. For those with recurring gifts, we will not be able to automatically migrate them to this new portal. If you would like to continue supporting Ben and I in our ministry, those recurring gifts will need to be set up through this new link in Pushpay. Once it is set up here, it will be automatically be cancelled in the other, no longer used portal. 

  3. We realize this change may bring some questions.Please let us know if you have any! Maybe God is leading you to give somewhere else. Maybe you feel called into greater generosity and would like to increase your giving amount. In any case, please communicate with us what you are thinking. We would greatly appreciate a phone call, text, or email with any updates or changes you make. We are so grateful for your continued prayers and support as we can only do what we do because of you! 😉

  4. We will be working on migrating all of our blogs and email updates to this new website in the coming weeks- this does not require any action from you. It is just a heads up that the platform may look different.

  5. Ben and I are in Fort Myers, FL working on our response to Hurricane Ian by networking with local churches and pastors who are connecting us to underserved people in need. We will send a more thorough update about our work and plan here soon. For now, here is a video from Ben with an overview of what we will be doing!

We love and appreciate all of you!