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I can’t believe that it’s been 12 years since I last updated here. Needless to say, a lot has happened. Also, can I just mention how grateful I am that this program is still up and running? It has developed and morphed a good deal over the years, but I am so grateful to God for most of those changes, and that it is still serving families in need in the jungle region of Peru.

The purpose of the program is to encourage and strengthen families in their spiritual, mental, emotional, and financial development. This is done through receiving funds they can use to help their children stay in school, as well as a monthly meeting for parents. This meeting is key, giving them a new perspective on family relationships, personal development, managing finances, and their relationship with God.

As of last year, a directive board was formed from some of the same parents who have been part of the program for a few years, and I’m so proud of them for the ways they’re stepping up in responsibilities and in leadership. There are currently 17 children in the program, and we have three on a waiting list.

If you are interested in being involved in sponsoring one of the children and their family, the cost is $30 per month. You can sign up to sponsor a child here (ignore the “opportunity full” button!). You will then receive a photo and information about a child whose family will benefit from the assistance, and I will be in touch to coordinate correspondence with them… or at least so they can send you a thank you!

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