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Wow , what a year it has been. God is so great. Who are we? You may know us and you may be just getting to know us, in this first initial blog I will introduce you to our amazing story and how we became missionaries with Adventure in Missions. 
My husband Mitch and myself (Jen) were introduced to each other a little over 10 years ago, we have been married 8 years and have 4 amazing children. 7 of those years of marriage my husband was what a friend of ours calls a “pew potato” he came to church to please me but never had a relationship with the Lord and this almost tore our marriage apart, as I was diving deeper into my faith we started drifting apart… God had other plans for us though, in his perfect timing (as hard it is to see or wait, his timing is always right on track). During COVID we switched Churches and that was the first glimpse that God was up to something. Going from a huge church to a smaller Church was exactly what we needed. I persistently convinced Mitch to go on this XCC hike with other men from our new Church and man did that change the course of our lives. He came back a changed man, in tears he came through that door, stinky and sore and a saved man ready to be a man of God. Before that hike he would have never been on board with giving up our vacation to go on a mission trip, let alone two of them within 5 months, but we did and it was amazing. I knew after the first one we would end up full time in the field of disaster relief alongside another amazing family from our church. It took him a little longer.  After our 2nd trip down to Harlem Heights FL, we still felt like we were unfinished there, we came back and prayed. This is where I had to grow, grow in trusting that God would lead my husband to lead our family, and he did. He told Mitch to follow him, I still remember the phone call, with such joy in his voice he said God spoke to him and said “Follow me” and so here we are following him into the unknown, trusting his provision and guidance along the way. We are selling our home, we have bought our camper house and truck to pull it and have said YES to this calling he has for usl We joined Adventures in Missions and will be working on their disaster relief team. We are taking 3 of our kids ( Alison, our oldest is 21 and her own) Caden (10), Lyllian (4) Hudson (1) along with our 3 legged dog Luna, we are excited to see what God has for us along the way. 
And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.   – Mathhew 4:19