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“In Christ we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will”  Ephesians 1:11 

“I am your portion and your inheritance” Numbers 18:20 

The Bible is full of references to the inheritance believers have in Christ. Perhaps the most beautiful part of our inheritance is the purpose of our calling…

And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent for that purpose? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!” Romans 10:15

“How beautiful and delightful on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace, Who brings good news of good things, Who announces salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7

We have a spiritual inheritance from God. God wants to release and raise up people to take hold of their spiritual inheritance! He wants to double the harvesters by releasing us to be disciple makers!

As many of you know, I have a heart for missions, but more specifically to women’s ministry.  I believe women can be great instruments for God’s Kingdom! Just look at the woman at the well who led her whole village to faith in Jesus!

Women often feel that they can not do much, that their only role is to stay at home and care for their families. They don’t believe that God could use them to share the gospel or make disciples. Cultural issues, church traditions, and many other things keep them from rising up to take hold of the inheritance God has for them.

Last week, I had the privilege of leading a team of 11 AMAZING woman of God from different parts of the United States and different backgrounds to serve in Guatemala. More specifically in Parramos and Parrojas, two small towns in the highlands of Guatemala. Our mission was to share God’s love and restoration with the women of the community through a series of retreats and home visits.

The women of Parramos face many challenges and hardships in their daily lives. They spend their days working in their fields alongside their children and husbands, cooking, tending to the family needs and in many cases meticulously weaving a Huipil (piece of fabric with colors, patterns, and motifs that are unique to each woman’s village) to make ends meet. They struggle with poverty, lack of education, and health issues. They often feel hopeless, worthless, and find their identity in serving their family and helping others in the community.

Our goal was to show them that they are valuable, and that they have a purpose in God’s plan. We wanted to help them discover their true identity and worth in Jesus Christ, who loves them unconditionally and offers them forgiveness, healing, and hope.

We organized three retreats for different groups of women. Each retreat had a theme based on a biblical truth that spoke to their specific needs and situations. We shared our stories, listened to theirs while giving them massages, painted their nails, pampered them with facial masks, provided them with snacks that reinforced the message and created a fun, loving and relaxed atmosphere.

We talked about how God knows us intimately and has a wonderful plan for our lives. We helped the women understand that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, that God sees them and cares for them, and that He has a special calling for them as mothers and daughters of the King.

We shared with them  about how God redeems us and makes us new. We helped the women realize that they are not forgotten, that God has been with them through all their trials and joys, and that He still has a purpose for them in this season of their lives.

We talked about how God saves us by grace and makes us His masterpiece. We helped them recognize that they are not defined by their mistakes, their appearance, or their circumstances, but by their identity in Christ, who loves them, accepts them, and transforms them.

The retreats were a powerful time of worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship. We saw many women open their hearts to God and receive His grace and truth. We heard testimonies of how God touched their lives and gave them a new perspective and hope. We witnessed tears of joy, laughter, and gratitude. We felt the presence and power of the Holy Spirit working in us and through us. We even had one woman named Marleni accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior. 

During our mission trip we also visited some of the women in their homes and shared more personally with them. We listened to their stories, prayed with them, and encouraged them. We were amazed by the hospitality and generosity of the women of Parrojas. They welcomed us into their homes, teached us how to make tortillas and shared them with us.. They shared their culture, their traditions, and their families with us. They taught us so much about resilience, gratitude, and joy.

We left the area with a deep sense of awe and gratitude for what God had done in us and through us. We made lifelong friends and sisters in Christ. We experienced God’s restoration in our own lives as we shared it with others.

I thank God for the opportunity to serve in  Guatemala and for the support of our Adventures in Missions Guatemala base and for the prayers and financial support of families and friends. I pray that God will continue to bless and protect the Parramos and Parrojas woman and that He will use them to bless and impact their community and beyond. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for the Guatemalan woman, for God to continue to draw them towards HIS heart. Pray for God to continue to restore and redeem women so they can become beacons of light in their community.
  • Please pray for me as I help hosting a woman’s mission trip in NE Georgia from Oct 18, 2023 – Oct 22, 2023. For the team to serve from their anointing of the Holy Spirit and for the NE Georgia woman to be receptive to the good news of the gospel and the love of Christ.
  • Please pray for our upcoming Beauty for Ashes Facilitator Training in Gainesville GA from Nov 2-4. For woman to desire to be a conduit of God’s hope and healing to come to acquire more tools to do ministry.
  • Please pray about what is calling YOU to do next! Is HE calling YOU to intercede in prayer? Is HE calling YOU to GO? or is HE calling YOU to give?

Would you consider partnering with me in what God is doing in the mission field? A monthly contribution ($10, $15, $25 or more) will make a huge impact for God’s kingdom on earth.

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As always THANK YOU SO MUCH for your love, support and prayers!