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God can use you at home, you don’t have to go on a mission trip to far off places! The great commission says to make disciples of all nations, which includes your own!

(Please note that the image used is a stock photo, I did not take any pictures of the subjects of this story)

I had an opportunity to do this last week before my Alaska trip.  I had just finished a job, and was taking a quick moment to pray in the car. I was leaving that evening for my next mission trip, and was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything I had to do. Then a woman with two young boys emerged from a business across the street, one of them in a stroller much to small for him, and screaming his head off. I tried to ignore them, and continue praying about MY issues, and God told me to forget about myself, and help them.

So, I went over and asked what they needed. They were looking for a larger stroller for her non-verbal (well, no words anyway) autistic son. The one he was in was clearly too small for him, but they were making do. Goodwill was nearby, and I offered to buy them a stroller there. We went and looked, but Goodwill did not have anything. I prayed that God would use me to minister to them, and I couldn’t walk away now.

So, I asked them to wait, and I would go to WalMart. We went on the WalMart app, and picked one out that would work for them. It was the cheapest option WalMart had that would be big enough for their needs. When I got to WalMart, the only one they had in stock of the cheap option was pink, and I did not feel good about getting a pink stroller for these two boys. So I wandered, and I prayed, and looked. I had just about decided that the other strollers were too much money, when I realized that even though the stroller would technically be big enough, the weight limit was a bit low, and I started to worry if it would even hold up. Especially if he threw a fit and thrashed around. I was drawn to a larger jogger stroller that had a higher weight limit and would probably be a better choice. But it was much more than I had wanted to spend.

I decided to get the larger jogger stroller, and give sacrificially to this young family, because I felt that is what God was calling me to do. Then I swung by the toy aisle to get a couple of Hot Wheels for the boys (big ones with big wheels), and I checked out.

When I opened my wallet to pay, I was greeted with a check that had been given to me by a friend to support my upcoming trip to Alaska. But, I didn’t need it for Alaska. My Alaska trip is covered by Adventures in Missions. God knew. God knew that I would run into this young family. He knew that I would be tasked to help them, and he provided the resources far in advance.

I don’t tell you this to glorify myself. I’m not some amazing sacrificial soul. I am broken, I am selfish, and throughout this whole ordeal I was worried about ME. About the things that I had to get done. About my own concerns. About my financial wellbeing. But God was there with me, every step of the way. Where my flesh was weak, His Spirit was strong. And in the end, even though I finally decided (reluctantly) to sacrifice my own money, I didn’t have to sacrifice as much as I thought, because God provided.

To God be the glory for this whole encounter! I  encourage each of you reading this, to seek the Lord. Listen for His voice, and follow where He leads.

(Please note that the image used is a stock photo, I did not take any pictures of the subjects of this story)