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Some things you think you know in your head, but when push comes to shove or the crap hits the fan or whatever other cheeky phrase you wanna say HAPPENS—-you realize you aren’t sure what you know any more.

Here are some common ones that may feel weighty but some of us can’t deny:

  • God loves me
  • I’m His kid
  • I know there’s hope ahead
  • It’ll be okay in the end
  • Nothing is wasted
  • God is sovereign and He knew this would happen

*and the hardest for me the past year*

  • God has good things for me 

Why are believing simple truths so much more complex than “just believing them” ?

I think because they aren’t as simple as they seem. Or maybe, they are actually SO simple, but when we’ve spent our whole lives developing ideas, beliefs, and learning to reason while watching our world unfold in front of our eyes–it’s as if our reality becomes far too big to ever fit back inside such a small and simple truth.

Because it was easier to believe the simple truths when we were kids, perhaps, and “didn’t know any better”. And then we find our selves slowly pushed out of the simple truth reality and carrying too much to ever fit back inside of it. So we say things like, “If God is good then how come ____?” or “If He knew it would happen than why _____?” or “If He has good things for me, then why is nothing good?”

And we could slap a bandaid answer on it or we could take a closer look at the “sickness” and see it’s much deeper than unbelief or an inability to have faith. It’s a longing. It’s an unmet desire. It’s a heart that’s sick with grief and is desperate for comfort and truth.

Jesus always takes a closer look. He sees past all the complexities of the heavy, big, and exhausting realities we are holding and invites us back into the simplicity

I know He is good

This year, God has guided me, kept me, protected me, and ultimately led me to a place of true knowing and true understanding that no matter WHAT, I know that I know that I know He has good things for me. And that sense of knowing doesn’t take away my troubles and griefs, but it does heal my heart; and it allows me to see pieces of Jesus that I was so desperate for but didn’t even know I needed. 

I used to believe that at the end of the day, I was going to have to come through for myself; or that I was gonna need to just suck it up if I was severely disappointed and in grief. But because of Jesus, I can live free and know in the depths of my soul and inner being that whatever comes my way, he will be good to me. 

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?  If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

I wrote some songs this year that talk about some of these real heart pangs and I voice memo’d them and put them on all streaming platforms. I invite you to take a listen by clicking the link below:) 

And I also invite you to ask yourself what “simple” truths feel impossible to you? And are you brave enough to explore them with Jesus and let him speak to you and invite you back into the simplicities and true joys of knowing Him?

LISTEN NOW– an ode to twenty- five (IT’S NOT ASTONE)