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God called me, and I chose to say YES.

I chose to be in this community at this time.

I chose to be sacrificial of anything earthly, human desires for me.

I chose…

…to be misunderstood, to be loved

…to be preferred, to be isolated

…to be appreciated, to be put off and in solitude

…to be content, yet lost

…to grow, but to feel misdirected

Sometimes the shortcuts and different routes lead to better scenery.  And sometimes it leads to danger.

But we all have a choice.

I choose Jesus.

One of the best decisions I will ever have to make.

It’s not an obligation, but a choice.

Hell is not an obligation, but a choice.

Heaven is not an obligation, but a choice.

Eternal separation is not an obligation, but a choice.

Choosing where you like to be at the end of this life is a choice.

Thank God for choices.

So, have you made yours for Christ?

He chose to die for YOU so you can have another opportunity to make choices.

Choices of life, eternal life, death, world, ministry, grace, love, forgiveness, mercy…

If you think about it, it’s all about choices.

Who are you choosing today and forevermore?

I choose… these kids. this family.     To take my passion of AT to Nicaragua.       I chose hard days with beautiful sunsets.

I choose…quiet times with the Lord in solitude.  Being discipled in the Word in a group setting (in another language).       Speaking & developing friendships in another language.

I choose… to majorly walk everywhere, and surrender my ability to drive.  To embrace the grit & dirt of this life.  To worship in ONE body for the glory of our Risen King, Jesus!

I choose… to live & learn another culture. To develop new friendships. To let go and be silly while holding adorable sleeping babies.

I choose… transitions & different community.  To humble myself and wash feet, choosing to serve them.  I choose to pamper my girls.


I choose…to go on adventures with my girls.  to explore new places with locals.  Learn my new city.

I choose…to visit the widows.                           To put myself out there.                                  To make new friends.


I choose… to take care of these young men like I do with athletes in the States.  To be hot 99.9% of the time.  To be welcomed into homes, sit, visit, listen and pray with my neighbors.

I choose…to watch nationals disciple their neighbors.  To get on a crowded bus and drive to the capital to attend a concert with my friends.  To take time to soak in the beauty of the city I live in.

I choose…to thank God for another day to be on this earth and share His gospel & goodness with ALL!

Ones physically present and the ones reading my blog from afar.❤