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Kevin and I, along with our incredible team of 12 young hearts aged 15-18, recently returned from an unforgettable mission trip to Guatemala. This journey was a profound experience that reshaped our perspectives, deepened our faith, and ignited a fire within us that will undoubtedly continue to burn brightly.

Our adventure began at Adventures in Missions in Gainesville, GA, where our group bonded over shared laughter, spiritual growth, and the exciting anticipation of what lay ahead. Through intentional training, our participants were equipped with the tools to share the Gospel, engage in meaningful prayer, and serve with humility. The prayerful send-off by the AIM staff filled our hearts with courage and purpose as we embarked on this extraordinary mission.

As we landed in Guatemala, a mix of excitement, nervousness, and a deep sense of calling washed over us. He hit the ground running and dived into ministry right away! 

On our first day we were all taken back by the beauty of Guatemala- the culture, the food, the smiles and all the vibrancy that everything had!! 

On one of our first home visits we learned that traditionally, girls learn to weave at a very young age and continue to perfect their art throughout their lives as a way of keeping their traditions alive and to provide a source of income for their families. Weaving takes place within the home on a traditional waist loom, where one tip is fastened to a tree or pillar and the other fitted behind the kneeling weaver’s waistline. They call this art Huipil. The word huipil (wee-peel), derived from the Nahuatl huipilli, means “my covering” and refers to a type of blouse used traditionally by Guatemalan women. These colorful, hand-woven, and intricately embroidered pieces are a symbol of their tradition, heritage and resistance. 

However, after learning that…  I could not help but to see GOD’s hands carefully weaving all the intricate details of our trip and our lives together for the next 3 weeks. Every day was a Huipil woven with God’s love and grace, as we witnessed His power move in extraordinary ways. Without the shadow of the doubt GOD was our covering through it all and He was hand picking and hand weaving every detail of everyday of our trip. 

“For my hope is that their hearts may be encouraged as they are knit together in unselfish love, so that they may have all the riches that come from the full assurance of understanding the joy of salvation, resulting in a true and more intimate knowledge of the mystery of God, that is, Christ,  in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge regarding the word and purposes of God”. Colossians 2:2-4 (AMP)

Our ministry involved a variety of impactful moments. We immersed ourselves in biblical teaching, empowering our team to apply God’s Word to their lives. 

Prayer walks became a powerful tool as we sought God’s guidance, leading us to incredible encounters and life-changing moments. For some of our young participants, hearing from the Lord for the first time was a truly transformative experience.

We tackled practical needs by installing stoves to improve safety and health conditions within homes, and distributing water filters to provide clean drinking water for families. 

Our hands-on involvement in working the ground and helping carry the wood to build a cabin at Prayer Mountain was both physically demanding and spiritually rewarding. It was a privilege to contribute to a space dedicated to rest, renewal, and encountering God’s presence.

Visiting local villages allowed us to connect with incredible people, sharing the love of Christ through prayer, encouragement, and practical support. The hospitality and openness of these communities were truly humbling. 

Our sports clinics brought joy and laughter to children and provided a much-needed break for teachers.

One particularly powerful moment occurred during a women’s gathering. As I shared about our Identity in Christ, the Holy Spirit’s presence was overwhelming. Tears flowed freely as our team prayed for these women, and we experienced a profound sense of unity in God’s love.

Participating in community feedings and witnessing the impact of Carepoints was inspiring. This ministry, born out of previous mission efforts, are now beacons of hope, providing meals and fostering a sense of community.

The Impact on Our Youth

The testimonies of our young participants are a testament to the life-changing power of this mission trip.

They shared: 

“One day, when we went to the park, we met a single mom with a sick baby. We prayed over her for a long time, and then gave her money to be able to take her baby to the doctor. A week later, we went to the same park and ran into the same mother and baby. Only this time, the sweet baby was running around happy and healthy. It was so sweet of the Lord to time our visits at the park at the same time so we could see each other again, and see what prayers can do.”

“I experienced Jesus during my trip when we prayed for a little boy who couldn’t walk and he started moving his feet.”

These experiences, along with countless others, have deepened our young people’s faith and ignited a passion for serving others. Our cross-cultural interactions were also deeply moving…

“The most powerful moment for me was when we prayed over a group of women who only spoke Spanish. We were praying in English, yet they were all crying. The Holy Spirit spoke through us”. 

These shared moments of worship and intercession created a powerful bond between us and the Guatemalan community. Beyond our service, the relationships forged within our team were equally transformative. 

…”The relationships we formed within our team were stronger than I thought possible. We encouraged, challenged, and loved each other in such deep ways”

Perhaps most importantly, this trip ignited a deeper connection with Christ for each of us. “My relationship with Christ is so much deeper, and I am so much more connected with God and the Holy Spirit”. This spiritual growth is a lasting legacy of our time in Guatemala.

As we reflect on this incredible journey, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve and and love others like Jesus. We returned home with hearts overflowing with gratitude and an even greater and renewed passion for serving others and reaching more people with the Gospel of Christ. This trip was a testament to God’s faithfulness and His ability to work through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. Our young team, with their vibrant faith and selfless hearts, exemplified the power of saying “Yes” to God’s call. We were all forever changed by this experience and eagerly anticipate the next chapter of our journey as we continue to be His hands and feet in the world.

Prayer Request:

  • Please pray for the Ambassadors trip participants to continue to dig deep into their faith and their relationship with Jesus. And for them to become beacons of hope and revival within their circles and communities. 
  • Please pray for all the seeds that were planted in people’s hearts throughout the trip, for God to continue to water and grow them so that they can produce abundant fruit.
  • Please pray for Dar para Dar and for the AIM base staff as they continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Guatemala. For more laborers to come and partner in what the Lord is already doing  in their ministries. 

As always, thank you so much for your love, your support and your prayers!

Please let me know how I can be praying for YOU?

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