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Last week I began fervently praying to feel God’s guidance in my life. While I know it is there, it is the continued awareness that I desire.  I love the imagery of holding God’s hand while he walks ahead of me on the trail. I had this image as I prayed. After every prayer-full breath, I kept hearing the word “genuine”.

Genuine…the actual, sincere, honestly felt and true nature of someone/something.

In the beginning of this August I was “re” baptized…or maybe more appropriately stated, baptized by immersion. I was convicted during a church sermon being preached on repentance, baptism, and discipleship …and the authenticity of it all. Perhaps this began the reminder within me to be more genuine in (and with) my faith.

Challenged with this new desire to work with Adventures in Missions, and  “go out into the world” and “make disciples”, Doug and I pray that the most genuine next chapter of our lives is showing through. We spent the beginning part of last week in Missouri discovering what a new Overland vehicle looks like for us. Needless to say, we are positively overwhelmed with what might be possible.

As our team of prayer warriors, please pray that we may continue to feel genuine in all that we have been given today and all that we aspire to do and be in the future.