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(My Short Term Missions (STM) Department Team @ the Staff Summit Aug. 2024)

As seasons change from summer into fall, here at Adventures we begin to reflect on our full seasons of planning, facilitating and leading mission trips all over the world from January through August. This year we were able to send short term teams to 24 locations across 3 continents and the Caribbean. We sent over 2000 participants on journeys with Jesus to serve like He did, to reach out to the hurting, hopeless, homeless, widows and orphans. We also sent these participants off with a vision to see them deepen their personal relationships with Jesus. Let me remind you, this is only within our short term trip department and doesn’t even include the work our Beauty for Ashes women’s ministry, WorldRace and Gap Year programs, CGA discipleship school or any other AIM programs are doing. It’s incredible to think of how God is allowing us to be a part of his Kingdom plan. 

This changing of seasons allows us to not only reflect on 2024 but to begin dreaming and preparing for all God has in store for 2025. In the middle of August we were able to come together as an Adventures wide staff for a staff summit. With a theme of continuous “remodeling” being spoken into the air, we aim to move forward with more and more improved opportunities to send people on trips with us. In STM, we’re praying for the opportunity to double our participant count in 2025. We are seeing more and more people wanting to join in on what God is doing to transform lives, build leaders and serve in a world full of brokenness. Earlier this month we watched as God brought nearly 200 Racers and their parents to our Headquarters in GA to launch those Racers and send them out to the nations through WorldRace programs!  

In this season I am looking for where I fit into this “remodeling” season within my role with AIM. I am working to help improve communication between our programs and our supporters. I am in the process of creating two different monthly newsletters that will be shared with diverse audiences. One will be shared directly to you, my beloved supporters, that will give you a full perspective of what the STM department is up to each month, see below for the first one! I’m also having many conversations with interested group leaders about deciphering where God wants their team to go in 2025 and how they can begin taking the next steps to take them there. 

Additionally, I’m looking at how I can “remodel” myself in this “behind the scenes” season. I’m praying about starting an online bible study or Christian book club, drafting my next book & devotional and attending our Beauty for Ashes women’s ministry training November 7th-9th. Attending this training will equip me to better lead women’s conferences, facilitate women’s bible studies, and ultimately speak life into the hurting and hopeless. If you’re interested in joining me at this training, reach out to me for the details! It truly is an opportunity to grow in your ability to lead women towards hope, healing and Jesus, and will give you the opportunity to join in on one of our women’s mission trips planned for 2025.

Click Here for the STM Monthly Update

As we begin to look towards 2025, my biggest prayer becomes where will God send me next and where will He send you?

While we wait for His call, may we be encouraged to live mission minded right where we are: helping our neighbors, holding open doors, sending encouraging messages to friends, praying for loved ones, etc. May we intentionally seek opportunities to serve those around us in all the little and big ways!

My other prayers are:

  • Discernment for next steps to take to start an online ministry via a book club or a bible study.
  • Attending the Beauty for Ashes training Nov. 7th-9th with someone from my circle encouraged to join me!
  • All of the details and preparations for 2025 to bring us where God wants us and this ministry to go, leading others and leaving lives transformed by Jesus along the way.

Thank you for continuing to stand by me and the ministry I am a part of! 

Lots of Love, 


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