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There is a hunger for Beauty for Ashes ministry in East Tennessee. The crippling affects of drug addiction, domestic violence against women, and sex trafficking has many women that are feeling lost. They are hungry to find hope, healing and redemption through Jesus.

In November 2022 I had the privilege and blessing to serve alongside other women sharing their testimonies,setting captives free, and bringing people closer to Jesus through beauty for ashes ministry. We prayed about those we need to share it with and God has provided a way to share it with everyone on my list and more. Praise God!


Since New Mexico last year I have been on fire for God to use my past of brokenness to help other women and He has. I’m currently going to Beauty for Ashes Freedom House once a week to share different biblical studies/sessions for healing and a closer relationship with God with the women in recovery. One of the women said, she appreciated the vulnerability that is shown through this ministry and in turn helps them to speak about their hurts so that God can start working in them.


KARM aka Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries has taken me on as one of their women’s ministry teachers. So, once a month I do a beauty for ashes study with them. Many of those women have been through a multitude of things and still are in the muck and mire of life. Through our sessions some of have come to give their life to God and are reminded through our identity, worth and forgiveness sessions that they are “washed clean ” and “forgiven”. The ear to ear smiles, tears of healing, and words.of hope echo from the voices of these strong women that God loves. I’m grateful to be a part of what God is doing.

Serenity House for battered women and women in recovery is a newest ministry site that has happily agreed to let me bring beauty to ashes to. Starting June 1st we will discuss how to best serve these women and remind them.of who God says they are and their worth. It’s an opportunity to share God’s healing and grace upon my life with other women so that they know God redeems and restores.

In East Tennessee, the b4a retreats have blown up. Just this month I have done about 8 either in person or virtually. We have also had 2 luncheons for awareness for b4a. All of this need and the growing requests says something loudly. It says that women are thirsty. They are like the woman at the well longing for living water. We must come together to share what God has for them and what He has done for us. We can’t keep quiet anymore about our Redeemer. Let’s help these women share their stories and not let shame keep them in bondage anymore.

“He truly does give beauty for ashes.”



“to grant to those who mourn in Zion—

to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,

the oil of gladness instead of mourning,

the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit;

that they may be called oaks of righteousness,

the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.”- Isaiah 61:3