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In January 2023, we embarked on a 1-week mission trip with 5 other members of our River City Church congregation in Riverside, Iowa to assist with disaster recovery in the Fort Myers area following Hurricane Ian battering Florida in September of 2022.  That was a week of eye-opening experiences as we worked in homes which had been flooded by an unprecedented storm surge.  The devastation of the area was evident as there were still piles of debris and destroyed belongings lining the streets in the neighborhood of Harlem Heights more than three months after the hurricane.  We visited with homeowners as we worked in their homes and neighborhood, listened to their stories and took time to pray with them.  After returning home to Iowa, we kept feeling the nudge, the urge, the calling to return to Harlem Heights and continue the work of restoring that community.  Altogether, we spent 16 weeks from January 2023 through May 2024, and found ourselves working as part of the leadership team for what would become called Adventures Relief (a part of Adventures in Missions).  We witnessed the transformation of a neighborhood as 176 homes were totally rebuilt, families reconnected, some individuals returned to church after years of separation and still others received Christ for the first time.  We also witnessed God answering prayers in myriad ways as we worked with thousands of volunteers, many of whom came for 1-week short term mission trips.

Fast forward to August, 2024:  We travelled to visit some of the churches and people who had served in Harlem Heights.  As we toured the warehouse and processing center of a food redistribution ministry at one stop, the head of the organization there shared with us something which we have taken to heart.  As he was describing how that ministry had grown he said, “What would happen if instead of trying to educate God about what is possible, we would say ‘Yes, Lord.’ Do what He calls us to do. Partner with Him and see what’s possible?”

We do not know where God will take us next but we know that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than anything we can imagine.

Our answer:  “Here we are. Send us.” and we have not been the same since.

Where is God calling you today?  In your home, community, family, world…?

Gail and Jo Ellen Crowe

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