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June 19th, 2023

Adventurous Times

Updates from our Long Term Missionaries




An update in Erika’s own words

How does the wise adage go, “do as many major life changes as closely together as possible?” If so, I nailed it. Haha.
In the year and a half since I moved from Georgia wrapped up serving as the worship coordinator there, I got trained as a childbirth assistant in Montana, have celebrated nearly  9 months of marriage, and 7 months of living in Eswatini.
I’m getting in the groove of learning more siSwati, driving on the left side of the road, and supporting and teaching the expecting ladies and young mothers I keep getting opportunities to serve.
I always envisioned myself ministering and living in a cross cultural context, but the story I’m living is far better than any I could have foreseen. Life is a gift and the Giver is good.
More from Bheki’s perspective:
This year has been filled with vision-casting for the ministry as it is expanding from primarily focusing on supporting vulnerable children to strengthening the entire family.
This increased vision and focus is shared with the staff, the short term teams partnering here, and the communities where different aspects of the ministry take place. The goal is to continually strengthen and develop unity between the ministry and the surrounding communities.
It’s been a blessing to have short term teams serving here in various capacities since January.
We also see God synergistically unifying our staff (100+ Swazis/a few other African nations and the American missionaries) here around this vision, and also increasing momentum in community buy-in and collaborative efforts.

The Dominican Republic


Cal and Courtney Herrmann are in their first few months of overseas living in the Dominican Republic. Miguel and Kristen Shaul have been AIM LTM missionaries in the DR for over 15 years.

Their plan is to spend the next year or so there, learning from Kristen and Miguel about what it looks like to build a ministry and a family overseas, and to serve the ministry however they can. They eventually hope to move to Colombia, South America and establish a similar ministry there.

Pray for Cal and Courtney as they learn about life and ministry in the DR. Pray for favor in language learning, and also for outreach in a couple villages with very few believers. Pray also for Lillabee, as she’s been having some issues with her eyes, and for Cal and Courtney as they navigate treatment options in the DR.


Emily & Tulio Molino

a couple in guatamala

From Emily:

May has been a full month! We hosted 10 participants in our Hineni Program where we are training and equipping Guatemalans to go to the nations. We hosted a beauty for ashes short term team where we focused on ministering to women hosting a retreat where women can find a safe place to tell their stories and hosted a spa day for these same women. The last week of May Birdhouse (Tulio’s ministry) partnered with Adventures in Missions to host a short term team that came down to build a house with him.

This past week we hosted a week long family trip. These families came from different places all over the states to pour out and love on these children. We did 4 different VBS’s in 3 different places including a near by orphanage. We did house visits, English classes, and ended the week with a huge capture the flag game with the local youth group and other kids from the community. I love seeing the Lord move in the details and in the connections made in just one week.

I’m beyond blessed to be a part of these amazing activities of evangelism and discipleship.




Thank you for your continued prayers for our staff who is serving on the field like those listed above, as well as your prayers for our short term missions teams that are on the field. We currently have a Gap Year squad down in Florida helping with the disaster relief from Hurricane Ian.

If you’d like to partner with me financially, I am in need for ministry partners to come along side me. Please let me know if you’d like more information or how I can help answer any questions. Click here for a direct link to my support page.


Thank you and best regards,
