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This year, I want to give the gift of gratitude for Christmas.

In the last year, I have gotten to experience the generosity of so many as I step into a new role with Adventures in Missions as a Ministry Activator helping to organize, plan, and lead mission trips throughout both the U.S and internationally. I’ve been able to traverse across the country to visit and share with family and friends between Maine and Florida. I’ve published my first book: My Kingdom Journey: Experiencing God and Encouraging Others to do the Same. You can get a copy or leave a review on if you haven’t already! I’ve been able to make an impact, new connections, and friendships in Maine, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, and Guatemala. I’m looking forward to continued growth, impact and opportunity in 2024. 

I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU! For being someone I have cherished memories with. You have been essential in helping me to understand the power of encouragement, love, and acceptance of all. The times I’ve spent with you will always be treasured in my heart. My gratitude is immeasurable. You are more valuable than you know.

In the last five years, I have gotten to grow and learn from so many incredible people. I’ve learned what it means to love deeply and to walk bravely through the trials and tribulations of life. I’ve learned to slow down and enjoy conversations and coffee. I’ve learned that hard times come to everyone but the support of good friends and wise counsel can pull you through. I’ve learned that there is nothing more important than the people around you and the love that you give them. You have allowed me to experience life in ways I never could have by opening your homes to me and more than likely your tables too!! 😋 

As I look forward to 2024, I have a goal to make the leap to be ALL IN as a missionary! How exciting is that?! I will have the opportunity to continue to serve, lead and encourage others on mission at a full-time basis! However, I cannot do this without helping to raise the funds needed to complete such heartfelt work through Adventures in Missions. Already, my current partners have helped me raise 65% of my annual goal through small monthly gifts, annual donations, prayer, and sharing what I am doing with others so that they can get involved too!

I would love to invite you to partner with me in 2024! The most important thing you can do is join me in prayer for the work we are doing, the people we are impacting and the plans for the future we have to continue on this mission to help the hurting, reach the broken, and touch lives the way Christ did. As you pray, please consider the way God may be nudging you to partner with me financially, or by joining me on a mission trip and sharing what I am doing with others in 2024 and beyond! I totally believe there is space for all of us to work together to bring light, life and goodness to the world. 

If you want more information about what it could look like for you to partner with me in 2024, please reach out to me online, through text, or give me a call at: 207-399-9659. OR if you know you’re interested in joining my partnership team, please go to this link and type my name in the search bar!

With depths of gratitude, Merry Christmas & Cheers to 2024!

S a v a n n a

To download a gift from me and to stay connected to all I have been up to & 

all I will get myself into in 2024, please bookmark & share my website!