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“If you want your life to expand and grow, do not seek the familiar. Open yourself up to the unknown and dive headfirst into it.” -Unknown

I have spent the first 3 weeks of this year in a deep dive getting to know so many departments and ministry bases that work with Adventures in Missions. Sitting in my office on zoom calls and google meets, I have been able to connect with, pray with and smile with the teams in Cambodia, India, Eswatini, Guatemala, and over 20 locations in the states. I was blown away to learn that our disaster relief base in Ft. Myers has seen over 4,000 people come and serve with them. And these are just the tip of the iceberg. The world of need was brought to my screen every day. The needs were brought to my heart and mind every minute. I was energized by the depth and width that this organization stands for. I cannot wait to go out there and meet them and help grow this organization!

I was also made fully aware of verses I have been choosing to reflect on this year. DO NOT FEAR….

…because these past few weeks I kept hearing in their voices the reassurance. The lack of fear. There is so much in this work that require them to rely solely on those who support them with prayer and giving. I kept feeling the layers of concern that I have been having about doing that myself being peeled away as the conversations and the prayers continued.

So yes, I am in full blown work mode with this development team! I get to be a part of this! I get to be a part of sending the young people, the next generation out into this world to be the change, to be the witness, to serve, to most importantly live out the great commission. This has been made possible by you and your giving, your praying, and your support.  THANK YOU!

Above it, within it, and beyond it is the God that has made every step of this life possible. Every person I connected with has been beautifully placed in the role that they serve. I can only hope that my role shines with the same light. I would pray that my giving and serving will be shown to others I am able to connect with so they can in turn feel the same way. And to shine the light of assurance, courage and boldness.

Here is what is next/how we need prayer and support:

  • I have been asked to go to Eswatini, India, and Cambodia this year for the parent vision trips. Part of my work with Adventures is to be an integral part of the relationships that come from the parent connections; to maintain the relationship that they can continue to have with us. I feel very strongly that my work with caregivers will bring in the most positive ability to do this. I have already had many amazing conversations.
  • Continued personal partnership development! If we haven’t already, I would love to be able to incorporate more conversations with YOU! I know God has been put you on my heart to receive/read this information. If anything I would love to talk with you more about what I have been learning as I read verses daily about not fearing, not worrying, not having anxiety, and putting all of those unknowns in life in a place where I no longer visit.

Genesis 35:17 

Jeremiah 17:8 

Matthew 10:19 

Acts 27:24 

Jeremiah 46:27 

Daniel 10:19 

Isaiah 43:5 – Do not be afraid, for I am with you; 

Psalm 3:6 

Joshua 10:8 

II Chronicles 32:7 

Ezekiel 3:9 

Haggai 2:5